GCSE Art Competition 2020
Illustration by @sn_designs
CONGRATULATIONS to Leuan Hegarty who was selected as the winner of UU Portrait of a Scientist 2020!!
Congratulations also to the runner-ups!
You will be able to see how difficult it was to select these winners by looking through the rest of the entries below. You are all winners to us! Thank you for taking the time to really think about the brief and complete such fabulous entries!!! #AllStars
We would like you to create a fun, interesting and informative portrait of a scientist of your choosing. Explore inside their minds! What are they interested and passionate about? How can you then incorporate elements of this into your portrait of them? Be inventive & have fun! For more ideas and links to possible resources go to https://artxscienceni.com/gcse-art-competition-2020 or scan the QR code
We would like you to produce:
one x postcard size piece of work. This can be no bigger than 15cm x 11 cm;
feel free to use whatever media you wish to create your work – the choice is limitless! Draw, paint, stitch, collage, stencil, photograph, use fabrics, found materials and objects,– the choice is endless!
the postcard can be 2D, 3D, or a combination of the two! You can work digitally and send us a printout of your final image. Just please remember to keep inside the size limit;
please ensure that you write your name, your class/year, your School’s name and address on the back of your artwork; and
if you have any questions email Lorraine, the Schools Partnership Manager e: l.lavery-bowen@ulster.ac.uk
Entries to be posted to - Lorraine Lavery-Bowen School - Partnerships Manager, Ulster University, 2H17B, Shore Road, Jordanstown BT37 0QB
The closing date is Friday May 15th 2020
The competition will be judged by staff from Belfast School of Art. All entries will be exhibited digitally at the Belfast School of Art, Ulster University campus in Belfast as part of the Annual Degree Shows in June 2020.
The winner(s) will have their work printed & framed and displayed in the foyer of the Belfast campus as part of the Annual Degree Shows in June 2020, they will also receive an £50 Amazon Gift voucher and an arts supply kit.